Terence Hoerman: Benefits of Skiing

Terence Hoerman is an experienced immigration and real estate attorney whose firm, American Immigration Center, has been in operation for over twenty years. He is also an avid skier who makes time to hit the slopes whenever he can.

Skiing keeps people like Terence Hoerman coming back and getting out in the cold for many reasons. The benefits touched on below are just the beginning:

•    Fitness.

Skiing tones your legs, engages your core and improves your cardiovascular health. As a bonus, the beauty, adrenaline and extreme weather around you will distract you from the workout you’re getting almost entirely (until the next day, that is).

•    Bonding Time.

Experiencing something new with family and friends can create a bond that you would otherwise never have together. Conquering your first smooth chairlift ride, tumbling down a slope and nailing your first successful run are exciting events, and they’re even better with company.

•    Relaxation.

Skiing, like many outdoor activities, can help you forget about the usual stressors and just relax. Just as working out in the gym can increase happiness, fight depression and boost energy, so can skiing, and you get the bonus of sunlight and more vitamin D.

If you think you’d like to join the ranks of skiers such as Terence Hoerman, there’s only one way to find out. Grab a ski pass, consider an instructor and hit the bunny slopes.



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